A lot of people are really conflicted when it comes to free fuck sites. On the one hand, they are happier than punks in jail because they get to join a completely free site and fuck for absolutely free. That’s right, they can find hot tight holes in their local area or region and not have to pay one red cent for their pleasure. I mean, what’s not to love about this concept?
It’s as if somebody took all your college fantasies of fucking all those hot, sexy sorority women and giving you all the free beer in the world without expecting a dime from you. What’s not to get excited about? Well, it’s easy to get all excited but the problem is it’s a kind a guilty pleasure. Let’s put it this way, you would not want to post an update on Facebook that you joined free fuck site.
I have yet to come across somebody in their right mind who would post such an update. Now, as funny as that may seem, it does say quite a bit about your conflicted position about free fuck sites. It’s okay to think about this. It’s okay to allow yourself to feel vulnerable going over this topic because the more you confront your discomfort with this topic, the more likely you would come across a personal revelation that might free you.
You have to remember that most people are sexually repressed. I know that they talk a good game. A lot of guys talk about signing up on https://www.freefucksite.com and banging a lot of chicks and being sexual conquistadors, Casanovas, playboys, I get it, yeah, no need to continue lying. But outside of the public bragging, a lot of guys really are little boys trapped inside. They’re little boys not because they want to remain boys, it’s that they feel trapped. They feel that they have no option.
If you use free fuck sites, you’re given a tremendous opportunity to use your sexual experiences as a stepping stone or to put it more politely, a gateway to higher levels of self-discovery, self-realization, and ultimately, personal freedom. Let me clue you in on a secret. The main reason why we are here is to experience freedom and understand the pathways that emanate from it.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of human beings are born, grow up, get married, fuck around, and then they die without even coming close to the first part of that trio of human experiences. We don’t even figure out how to have sex properly, much less learn what true love and connection and consciousness are all about. Even if we feel that we are in true loving relationships, we rarely take the next step. It’s really is too bad because this goes to the ultimate nature of most human being, ultimately, were lazy—that’s the bottom-line.
Laziness is a very amazing concept because it pays off immediately. Hard work, sacrifice, effort, all that can be messy. It can be tiring and ultimately, the payoff is not assured. So, we are always caught between settling for the burdened head (pun intended) rather than the burden to push. It really is too bad because were settling when we do that. If this is the kind of mental calculation you go through, then keep in mind that you no longer have to worry about your use of free fuck sites because you’re handling it in the same way as most other people.
However, if you want to use that experience as a springboard to better living and to becoming a better person and ultimately, leaving that behind, pay attention to the signals that it’s sending you. Your experience in looking for anonymous sex is constantly sending you very precious signals about who you are. Pay attention to how you react to rejection. Pay attention to how you respond to women after you’ve had sex with them.
These are very important clues that tell you who you are, where you’re going, and ultimately, where you need to be. Unfortunately, a lot of guys turn off the last signal. They just focus on what’s in front of them. This really is too bad because it’s like an eagle thinking that it’s a turkey. You know, can you imagine that? The king of the skies resigning himself to thinking that he is a turkey stuck on the ground, flightless, and ultimately powerless. If you want to truly live and expand your consciousness, you have to think past the immediate gratification of physical sex.